Tag Archives: LEV Foundation

Corporate Ed Reform in Washington State – All Roads Lead to Gates

16 Nov

Wordle: Corporate Funders of "Ed Reform"

Who was the biggest funder of the I-1240 charter school initiative in Washington?

Bill Gates at $3+ million. His foundation is one of the biggest charter school pushers and funders in the nation.

But Gates’ overwhelming financial influence also extends to an array of spin-off, co-opted and interrelated Astroturf organizations, all of which lobbied and pushed for charter schools in Washington, including:

Stand for Children, Inc. – (National, political lobbying enterprise) Funded by the Gates Foundation, see here, here and here.

League of Education Voters / LEV Foundation / A+ Washington / Excellent Schools Now Coalition – Funded by the Gates Foundation, see here, here, here ,and here. (Note: Gates sent another infusion of funds — $1, 499,543 — to LEV and its pro-charter lobbyist subsidiaries (A+ Washington / Excellent Schools Now) in October, right before the election, potentially another contribution to the pro-charter I-1240 bankroll. Is there a reason the amount falls just under the $1.5 million mark?)

LEV Foundation
Date: October 2012
Purpose: to continue public engagement and action project to advance the policies and priorities of A+ Washington through the Excellent Schools Now (ESN) Coalition
Amount: $1,499,543
Term: 2 years and 1 month
Region Served: Global, North America
Program: United States
Grantee Location: Seattle, Washington

Partnership for LearningFunded by the Gates Foundation

Alliance for Education – Funded by the Gates Foundation (here and here and here) (Note that Gates channeled funds through the Alliance for Education to the League of Education Voters (LEV). Why was that? Elsewhere he funds LEV directly. Also note that the so-called “Our Schools Coalition” is another fabricated offshoot of the Alliance for Education which is also funded by Gates.)

Alliance for Education
Date: November 2008
Purpose: to support the college-ready curriculum, assessments, data and advocacy elements of Seattle Public Schools’ strategic plan
Amount: $6,929,430
Term: 3 years
Region Served: Global, North America
Program: United States
Grantee Location: Seattle, Washington
Grantee Web site: http://www.alliance4ed.org
Consequently, despite their misleading names, none of these entities are genuine grassroots, community organizations that represent parents and families of Washington. They are all purveyors (arguably puppets) of the Gates brand of corporate education reform, whose products have proven to be extremely shoddy and downright damaging. Charter schools is one of these “products.”
— sue p.